San Antonio Senior Photographer | Desi's Urban Photo Session

Meeting Desi I knew we would have a great time. She wanted grungy, urban and she was willing to go anywhere for our photo session in downtown San Antonio to find it. So we explored! And we laughed. And we stood in the middle of a downtown 4 way stoplight and took sassy pictures as on-lookers stared and laughed with us as we ran every which way when the lights turned red and green. My time with Desi proved the many reasons I love to photograph high school seniors : they are daring and want to break all the rules and that just excites me! Desi is a diva, and as a softball player for Wagner High School in San Antonio, the love  of the game pours out of her but she is every bit girly and classy. Congrats to you on your graudation Desi, and may the years ahead of you be filled with as much laughter and fun we had the morning of our session!


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